Mercedestüren öffnen
Der RISKS-Digest ist eine gute Quelle, um sich der Risiken der Computerbenutzung klar zu werden. Ein schönes Beispiel las ich heute in Jörns Blog:
Last week I watched the chauffeur of a Mercedes car. There was a parking spot left just in front of another Mercedes. Both different types, though fairly new. As I watched by the chauffeur got out of her car and pushed the button on the remote control to close the doors.
The system worked. The doors of the Mercedes closed. The already parked Mercedes responded with a happy ‘click’ and opened it’s doors. The chauffeur, confident the click was her car telling everything was fine, didn’t pay attention, until I pointed her to the fact that she opened the other Mercedes.
She tried several times. When her car opened the other one closed. And vice versa. But she didn’t see it as a problem, she could close the doors of her car and walk away. Until I pointed out the system probably worked the other way round as well ...
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