OpenSSL 1.0 ist fertig
Man höre und staune: Heute wurde OpenSSL 1.0 veröffentlicht. Aus der Meldung:
The OpenSSL project team is pleased to announce the release of version 1.0.0 of our open source toolkit for SSL/TLS. This new OpenSSL version is a major release and incorporates many new features as well as major fixes compared to 0.9.8n. For a complete list of changes, please see
The most significant changes are:
- RFC3280 path validation: sufficient to process PKITS tests.
- Integrated support for PVK files and keyblobs.
- Change default private key format to PKCS#8.
- CMS support: able to process all examples in RFC4134
- Streaming ASN1 encode support for PKCS#7 and CMS.
- Multiple signer and signer add support for PKCS#7 and CMS.
- ASN1 printing support.
- Whirlpool hash algorithm added.
- RFC3161 time stamp support.
- New generalised public key API supporting ENGINE based algorithms.
- New generalised public key API utilities.
- New ENGINE supporting GOST algorithms.
- SSL/TLS GOST ciphersuite support.
- PKCS#7 and CMS GOST support.
- RFC4279 PSK ciphersuite support.
- Supported points format extension for ECC ciphersuites.
- ecdsa-with-SHA224/256/384/512 signature types.
- dsa-with-SHA224 and dsa-with-SHA256 signature types.
- Opaque PRF Input TLS extension support.
- Updated time routines to avoid OS limitations.
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