Beim make:Blog fand ich heute einen netten Hinweis auf das Periodensystem der Perloperatoren:
Ihr könnt es herunterladen oder auch bei Cafepress kaufen.
Mark Lentczner released the second edition of his Periodic
Table of the Operators , available as a PDF file from his site, or as
poster print or mousepad from cafepress, go see his links, also for sources used.
There is of course a /. thread
Ansicht der Kommentare: Linear | Verschachtelt
The Pathedral and the Kazoo am :
Mark Lentczner released the second edition of his Periodic
Table of the Operators , available as a PDF file from his site, or as
poster print or mousepad from cafepress, go see his links, also for sources used.
There is of course a /. thread