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Offener Brief an Google

Heute haben 38 Akademiker und Forscher einen offenen Brief (HTML-Version)an den CEO von Google, Eric Schmdit, geschrieben. So fordern auf sechs Seiten (plus zwei Seiten Fußnoten) die Standardnutzung von HTTPS und somit adäquate Sicherheit und den Schutz der Privatsphäre für die Nutzer.

Aus der Zusammenfassung:

Google already uses industry-standard Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) encryption technology to protect customers’ login information. However, encryption is not enabled by default to protect other information transmitted by users of Google Mail, Docs or Calendar. As a result, Google customers who compose email, documents, spreadsheets, presentations and calendar plans from a public connection (such as open wireless networks in coffee shops, libraries, and schools) face a very real risk of data theft and snooping, even by unsophisticated attackers. Tools to steal information are widely available on the Internet.

Google supports HTTPS encryption for the entire Gmail, Docs or Calendar session. However, this is disabled by default, and the configuration option controlling this security mechanism is not easy to discover. Few users know the risks they face when logging into Google’s Web applications from an unsecured network, and Google’s existing efforts are little help.

Support for HTTPS is built into every Web browser and is widely used in the finance and health industries to protect consumers’ sensitive information. Google even uses HTTPS encryption, enabled by default, to protect customers using Google Voice, Health, AdSense and Adwords. Google should now extend this degree of protection to users of Gmail, Docs and Calendar.

Rather than forcing its customers to “opt-in” to adequate security, Google should make security and privacy the default.


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